Gorgeous DIY Bed Canopy Projects

The canopy is a wonderful way to decorate your home in style. With a touch of sophistication, the canopy can completely transform your bedroom decor.
The canopy can be used in a baby, child, single or married room, there are varied models and styles.
Check out some bedroom ideas decorated with a canopy here.
What is canopy?
The canopy is a structure that is placed over the bed or crib. It can have the simple function of decorating, but it can also work as a musketeer to prevent insect bites.
It can have a structure placed on top of the bed or attached to the ceiling.
As a rule, the fabric chosen is a kind of thin lace or a very thin, almost transparent fabric, which protects without reducing your visibility.
Canopy ideas
Check out some canopy bedroom ideas and inspiration here.
How to make a canopy